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第 44 卷 第 1 期                                                                       Vol. 44, No. 1
             2025 年 1 月                          Journal of Applied Acoustics                   January, 2025

             ⋄ 研究论文 ⋄

                         弯曲振动阶梯型变幅杆等效电路模型                                                      ∗

                          许 龙    1,2†   张天腾     1   龚 涛    2   梁召峰      2   赵 伦    2   周光平     2

                                               (1 中国计量大学理学院      杭州   310018)
                                         (2 深圳职业技术学院智能制造技术研究所           深圳  518055)

                模型。为了建立弯曲振动阶梯型变幅杆的简明理论分析模型,基于 Timoshenko 梁理论,运用力电类比推导了
                圆柱型金属梁弯曲振动的 F-V 等效电路模型。在此基础上针对弯曲振动阶梯型变幅杆变截面处连接条件,推
                导了变截面位于波节处的弯曲振动阶梯型变幅杆的 F-V 等效电路模型,并得到了 F-V 等效电路模型的阻抗
                表达式、共振频率方程及位移放大系数表达式。最后,利用该文所建立的 F-V 等效电路模型计算了变截面位
                小于 5.00%,理论计算和实验测试的变幅杆的弯曲振动位移放大系数分别为 1.37 和 1.38。由此表明该文所建
                中图法分类号: TB55           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2025)01-0105-08
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2025.01.010

                      Equivalent circuit model of the stepped horn in bending vibration

                              XU Long  1,2 , ZHANG Tianteng , GONG Tao , LIANG Zhaofeng ,
                                            ZHAO Lun and ZHOU Guangping      2
                                 (1 College of Science, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China)
                       (2 Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen 518055, China)

                 Abstract: The equivalent circuit method is widely used in the theoretical design and analysis of ultrasonic
                 vibration systems because of its simple physical meaning and easy realization of the overall design and opti-
                 mization of ultrasonic vibration systems. However, there is no literature on the equivalent circuit theoretical
                 analysis model of the flexural vibration stepped horn. In order to establish a concise theoretical analysis model
                 of the flexural vibration stepped horn, based on Timoshenko beam theory, the F-V equivalent circuit model
                 (ECM) of bending vibration of cylindrical metal beam is established by using electromechanical analogy. On
                 this basis, the F-V ECM of the flexural vibration stepped horn with variable cross-section at the wave node is
                 derived for the connection conditions at the variable cross-section of the flexural vibration stepped horn, and

             2023-09-09 收稿; 2023-10-14 定稿
             国家自然科学基金项目 (12074354)
             作者简介: 许龙 (1981– ), 男, 陕西榆林人, 博士, 教授, 研究方向: 压电超声换能器及超声振动系统, 超声空化。
             † 通信作者 E-mail:
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