Page 117 - 201806
P. 117
第 37 卷 第 6 期 Vol. 37, No.6
2018 年 11 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics November, 2018
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
a系语气词特殊发音基频的情感表现 ∗
舒炎昕 王军锋 † 拓江敏 李 悦
(西南科技大学制造科学与工程学院 绵阳 621010)
摘要 语气词在日常对话中频繁使用,能表达特定的情感。a 系语气词在生活广泛使用,口语中的某些语气词
关键词 特殊音调,语气词,基频研究,汉语发音
中图法分类号: TN912.33 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2018)06-0947-09
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2018.06.017
The emotional expression of fundamental frequency of special tone in ‘a’ series
statement label designator
SHU Yanxin WANG Junfeng TUO Jiangmin LI Yue
(School of the Institute of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang
621010, China)
Abstract Statement label designator is frequently used in daily conversations, it can express a particular
emotion. ‘a’ series statement label designator are widely used in life, the special tones of some mood words in
spoken language are not four standard tones in mandarin. This article starts from the fundamental frequency
of pronunciation, it is considered that special tones can be applied to the expression of a class of emotions. The
fundamental data of special tones is extracted, the characteristics of the linear variation on the fundamental
frequency and the law of pronunciation are found. The synthesis of a special tone word is from the fundamental
frequency and applied to the statement label designator of a sentence word, through the contrast experiment of
emotion recognition and contrast experiment of emotional feedback, it is shown that the emotional statements
containing the special tone make the listeners have a stronger positive emotion, and feel more pleasurable.
Key words Special tone, Statement label designator, Research of fundamental frequency, Chinese pronun-
2018-03-12 收稿; 2018-07-13 定稿
基于团队模式的研究生专业课程教学实践项目 (14JGCX07), 国家科技支撑计划项目 (2015BAH38F00), 西南科技大学博士研究基金
项目 (17zx7123)
作者简介: 舒炎昕 (1993- ), 男, 陕西汉中人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 语音交互设计、用户体验设计。
† 通讯作者 E-mail: