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             流量水景声在现场评分高而实验室评分低,小流速                                Mao Linqing, Kang Jian, Jin Hong. Acoustic character-
             流量水景声在实验室和安静的环境中评分较高,但                                istics of Miao and Han ethnic groups, traditional settle-
                                                                   ment space in Guizhou province[J]. Architectural Journal,
                                                                   2013(S2): 130–134.
             布置在道路附近掩蔽交通噪声,将小流速流量水景                              [6] Jeon J Y, Hwang I H, Hong J Y. Soundscape evaluation
             布置在安静庭院内提高声景观品质。                                      in a Catholic cathedral and Buddhist temple precincts
                                                                   through social surveys and soundwalks[J]. Journal of the
                                                                   Acoustical Society of America, 2014, 135(4): 1863–1874.
             觉景观优美度、安静度、声源组成喜好度之间均                               [7] 张东旭, 相月, 陶绪一. 辽宁地区藏传佛教寺院声景研究 [J].
             存在显著正相关关系,相关系数分别为 r = 0.637                           建筑科学, 2017, 33(8): 68–73, 82.
                                                                   Zhang Dongxu, Xiang Yue, Tao Xuyi. The soundscape in
             (p = 0.000)、r = 0.370 (p = 0.000)、r = 0.538
                                                                   the Tibetan Buddhist Temples in Liaoning area[J]. Build-
             (p = 0.000),估算边界均值图呈正向线性趋势;声                          ing Science, 2017, 33(8): 68–73, 82.
             环境满意度与声压级之间存在显著负相关关系,相                              [8] 邓志勇, 刘爱利, 陈昊骙. 历史文化街区声景语义的主观评价
             关系数为 r = −0.254 (p = 0.000),但当较高的环境                   研究 ——基于人文地理学的视角 [J]. 人文地理, 2014, 29(1):
             声压级由水景声贡献时,其声环境满意度明显提高。                               Deng Zhiyong, Liu Aili, Chen Haokui. Semantic analysis
             四季与视觉景观优美度、安静度对声环境满意度有                                for the soundscape of historical and cultural areas: an ap-
             显著交互差异。声环境满意度与视觉景观优美度、                                proach of human geography[J]. Human Geography, 2014,
                                                                   29(1): 35–42.
                                                                 [9] 黄凌江, 康健. 历史地段的声景 ——拉萨老城案例研究 [J].
             以建立回归方程。                                              新建筑, 2014(5): 26–31.
                 由以上结果可知,应从提高视觉景观优美度、                              Huang Lingjiang, Kang Jian. Soundscape in historic envi-
                                                                   ronment: a case study of Lhasa[J]. New Building, 2014(5):
             优化设计。通过减少交通声、增加泉声、引入动物                             [10] Barber J R, Burdett C L, Reed S E, et al. Anthropogenic
             声、保护传统生活声等声元素设计来保护与发展济                                noise exposure in protected natural areas: estimating the
                                                                   scale of ecological consequences[J]. Landscape Ecology,
                                                                   2011, 26(9): 1281–1295.
                 论文为声元素喜好度和声环境满意度研究提                            [11] Jeon J Y, Lee P J, Hong J Y, et al. Non-auditory factors
             供参考。但本次研究中未考虑参与者自身因素对评                                affecting urban soundscape evaluation[J]. Journal of the
                                                                   Acoustical Society of America, 2011, 130(6): 3761–3770.
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             观评价的影响。                                               park soundscape[J]. Journal of the Acoustical Society of
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                            参 考     文   献                          soundscape perception: soundwalks in city parks[J]. Land-
                                                                   scape and Urban Planning, 2014, 123: 30–40.
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                 Hong Xinchen, Zhang Wei, Zhu Liying, et al. Soundscape  Liu Jiang, Yu Shanshan, Wang Yajun, et al. Research on
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