Page 82 - 《应用声学》2020年第6期
P. 82
第 39 卷 第 6 期 Vol. 39, No. 6
2020 年 11 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics November, 2020
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
脉冲超声换能器声场测试系统的设计 ∗
张国才 † 游 泳 沈 洋 邢秀文 谢小荣
(北京理工大学珠海学院 珠海 519085)
发的图形化编程软件 LabVIEW 设计,通过调用动态链接库与系统核心硬件超声发射接收卡进行数据通信及
对其功能进行设置,同时系统上位机通过 RS232 串口与下位机单片机通讯,实现对三轴扫查平台的多种扫查
中图法分类号: TH776 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2020)06-0876-09
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2020.06.010
Design of sound field testing system of pulsed ultrasonic transducer
ZHANG Guocai YOU Yong SHEN Yang XING Xiuwen XIE Xiaorong
(Beijing Institute of Technology (Zhuhai), Zhuhai 519085, China)
Abstract: Pulse ultrasonic transducer is the key component of ultrasonic detection. In order to obtain its
acoustic field characteristic parameters, the sound field measurement system is designed based on the principle
of small ball reflection method and the technology of virtual instrument and single chip microcomputer. The
program-controlled interactive interface of the system is designed with the graphical programming software
LabVIEW developed by the National Instrument Company of the United States. In the program-controlled
interactive interface program, the data communication and the function of the card are set up by calling
the dynamic link library (DLL). At the same time, the host computer of the system communicates with the
microcontroller unit through the RS232 serial port. Realize the three-axis scanning platform of a variety of
scanning mode control. The system can display the image of the acoustic pressure distribution of the pulse
transducer in real time and measure the parameters of the transducer such as the near field length and the
diffusion angle by the sound pressure distribution data.
Keywords: Pulsed ultrasonic transducer; Sound field characteristics; Sphere reflection method; LabVIEW;
Microcontroller unit
2020-03-18 收稿; 2020-04-26 定稿
广东省普通高等特色创新项目 (ZX-2017-001), 珠海市高端制造业协同创新中心无损检测分中心项目 (ZX-2015-063)
作者简介: 张国才 (1983– ), 男, 广东梅州人, 硕士, 讲师, 研究方向: 超声、电磁无损检测技术。
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