Page 104 - 《应用声学》2021年第4期
P. 104
第 40 卷 第 4 期 Vol. 40, No. 4
2021 年 7 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics July, 2021
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
于淑敏 † 朱 晨 黄志强
(郑州国电机械设计研究所有限公司 郑州 450046)
摘要:基于混合位错超声非线性模型,使用有限元法模拟了非线性超声纵波在 35CrMoA 钢中的传播过程,并
非线性响应主要来自于位错,文中使用的有限元模型可以较好地模拟不同塑性变形下 35CrMoA 钢的超声非
关键词:35CrMoA 钢;超声非线性;二次谐波;塑性损伤;有限元模拟
中图法分类号: TB551 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2021)04-0588-06
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2021.04.013
Finite element simulation of nonlinear ultrasonic response of plastically
deformed 35CrMoA steel
YU Shumin ZHU Chen HUANG Zhiqiang
(Zhengzhou Guodian Mechanical Design Institute Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450046, China)
Abstract: Finite element simulations of longitudinal wave propagation in plastically deformed 35CrMoA steel
plates were performed based on the mixed dislocation acoustic nonlinearity model, and experiments were
conducted to verify the simulation. Simulated and experimental results show a strong relationship between the
acoustic nonlinearity parameter and plastic strain. The nonlinear ultrasonic response of metals comes primarily
from the evolutions of dislocations. In the early stage of plastic deformation, the simulated nonlinearity
parameters were overestimated compared with the experimental results due to the dislocation tangle. However,
the nonlinearity parameters obtained in simulations was underestimated in the later stage of plastic deformation
cause the formation of dislocation cells and dislocation walls, which have a larger nonlinear ultrasonic response
than dislocation line.
Keywords: 35CrMoA steel; Ultrasonic nonlinearity; Second-harmonic generation; Plastic damage; Finite
element simulation
2020-09-09 收稿; 2021-04-07 定稿
作者简介: 于淑敏 (1988– ), 女, 河南开封人, 硕士, 研究方向: 无损检测。
† 通信作者 E-mail: