Page 58 - 《应用声学》2020年第1期
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第 39 卷 第 1 期                                                                       Vol. 39, No. 1
             2020 年 1 月                          Journal of Applied Acoustics                   January, 2020

             ⋄“全国储层声学与深部钻测技术前沿研讨会”举办十周年 ⋄

                      井外溶洞储层的偶极横波反射特征研究                                                          ∗

                 杨 岩    1,2,3  张 波    4   李 超    1,3†  张晋言     4   许孝凯     4   陈 浩    1,2,3  王秀明     1,2,3

                                    (1 中国科学院声学研究所       声场声信息国家重点实验室        北京   100190)
                                                (2 中国科学院大学      北京  100049)
                                            (3 北京市海洋深部钻探研究中心        北京   100190)
                                         (4 中石化胜利石油工程有限公司测井公司           东营  257061)

                中图法分类号: O429           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2020)01-0054-09
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2020.01.007
                       Study on dipole shear wave reflection characteristics of out-well

                                                 karst cave reservoir

                         YANG Yan   1,2,3  ZHANG Bo 4  LI Chao 1,3  ZHANG Jinyan 4   XU Xiaokai 4

                                           CHEN Hao   1,2,3  WANG Xiuming  1,2,3

                  (1 State Key Laboratory of Acoustics, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
                                   (2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
                       (3 Beijing Engineering Research Center of Sea Deep Drilling and Exploration, Beijing 100190, China)
                     (4 Well Logging Company of Shengli Petroleum Engineering Co. Ltd., SINOPEC, Dongying 257061, China)

                 Abstract: Karst cave reservoir is one of the typical reservoirs in oil and gas fields. It is strongly heterogeneous
                 and difficult to develop. Dipole shear wave remote detection technology is an effective method to detect
                 out-of-well karst caves. Forward modeling of carbonate karst cave model plays a guiding role in field oil and
                 gas exploration and data interpretation. In this paper, several typical karst cave models are established,
                 and the three-dimensional dipole reflected wave field of karst cave reservoir is studied by finite-difference
                 time-domain (FDTD). It is found that strong reflection wave from the back wall of karst cave can be received
                 within a small source distance. With the increase of source distance, the reflection wave gradually weakens to
                 disappear. The reflected wave energy from the crack is stronger than that from the cave, and the reflected
                 wave from the crack will cover up the reflection wave information from the front wall of the cave, which brings

             2019-09-29 收稿; 2019-11-28 定稿
             国家自然科学基金项目 (11574347, 11774373, 11734017, 91630309)
             作者简介: 杨岩 (1992– ), 男, 山东滨州人, 博士研究生, 研究方向: 反射声波测井。
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