Page 56 - 《应用声学》2021年第4期
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第 40 卷 第 4 期                                                                       Vol. 40, No. 4
             2021 年 7 月                          Journal of Applied Acoustics                      July, 2021

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄

                    表征超声衰减谱粒度的改进和声搜索算法                                                             ∗

                                         蒋 瑜 曲佩玙 贾 楠 苏明旭                         †

                                      (上海理工大学    动力工程多相流与传热重点实验室           上海  200093)

                摘要:针对超声衰减谱法颗粒粒径测量,提出一种改进和声搜索算法,在和声搜索算法迭代达到 200 次时,加
                入拟牛顿算法,调节和声搜索算法全局和局部搜索能力,提高算法的收敛精度。对服从 3 种典型粒径分布函数
                颗粒系进行数值模拟,改进算法反演得出罗辛 -拉姆勒 (Rosin-Rammler) 分布参数值相对误差小于 8%,正态
                分布参数值相对误差小于 5%,对数正态分布参数值相对误差小于 10%,同时用改进算法对两种硅 -水悬浮液
                样品的实验超声衰减谱反演,与标称尺寸对比粒径相对误差为 6.0% 和 8.2%,表明了利用改进算法表征颗粒粒
                中图法分类号: TB559; TP18           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2021)04-0540-08
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2021.04.007

                       Application of improved harmony search algorithm in ultrasonic

                                              attenuation spectroscopy

                                      JIANG Yu     QU Peiyu   JIA Nan    SU Mingxu

                 (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer in Power
                                               Engineering, Shanghai 200093, China)

                 Abstract: For particle size measurement by ultrasonic attenuation spectroscopy, an improved harmony search
                 algorithm is proposed. When the harmony search algorithm iteration reaches 200 times, the BFGS algorithm
                 is added to adjust the global and local search capabilities of the harmony search algorithm to improve the
                 convergence accuracy of the algorithm. Numerical simulation of the particle system subject to three typical
                 particle size distribution functions, the improved algorithm inversion shows that deviation of the parameter
                 values are less than 10%. Simultaneously, the experimental ultrasonic attenuation spectrum inversion of the
                 two silicon-water suspension samples with the improved algorithm, compared with nominal size, the deviation
                 are 6.0% and 8.2%. It is feasible to characterize particles with improved algorithms.
                 Keywords: Attenuation spectrum; Harmony search; Inversion; Particle size distribution

             2020-08-14 收稿; 2020-12-03 定稿
             国家自然科学基金项目 (51776129)
             作者简介: 蒋瑜 (1995– ), 女, 浙江东阳人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 超声颗粒测量。
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