Page 58 - 《应用声学》2019年第6期
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并用试验验证了有限元模型的仿真效果。主要结论 Ma Dayou. General theory and design of microperforated-
如下; panel absorbers[J]. Acta Acustica, 1997, 22(5): 385–393.
[4] Liu J, Herrin D W. Enhancing micro-perforated panel at-
(1) 吸声系数仿真结果与试验结果趋势一致,
tenuation by partitioning the adjoining cavity[J]. Applied
存在误差主要是因为现有仿真模型忽略了金属纤 Acoustics, 2010, 71(2): 120–127.
维在流体中的振动、金属纤维与周围声场的声能热 [5] Wang C, Cheng L, Pan J, et al. Sound absorption of a
micro-perforated panel backed by an irregular-shaped cav-
ity[J]. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2010,
(2) 对声阻抗的仿真结果表明,穿入金属纤维 127(1): 238–246.
导致微孔内的黏滞效应增加,声阻增加,而高声阻会 [6] Park S H. Acoustic properties of micro-perforated panel
absorbers backed by Helmholtz resonators for the im-
provement of low-frequency sound absorption[J]. Journal
(3) 分析法向质点速度分布云图发现,随着穿 of Sound and Vibration, 2013, 332(20): 4895–4911.
入金属纤维数量的增加,黏滞效应引起的低质点速 [7] Herdtle T, Bolton J S, Kim N N, et al. Transfer impedance
of microperforated materials with tapered holes[J]. Jour-
nal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2013, 134(6):
试验结果及微穿孔板吸声原理表明,考虑黏滞 4752–4762.
效应的有限元模型可以有效模拟穿入纤维前后微 [8] Chin D, Yahya M, Din N, et al. Acoustic properties
of biodegradable composite micro-perforated panel(BC-
MPP) made from kenaf fiber and polylactic acid(PLA)[J].
型微穿孔板和穿纤维微穿孔板的声学研究。因此, Applied Acoustics, 2018, 138: 179–187.
有限元仿真方法适用于结构相对复杂的微穿孔结 [9] Li C, Cazzolato B, Zander A. Acoustic impedance of mi-
cro perforated membranes: velocity continuity condition
at the perforation boundary[J]. Journal of the Acoustical
杂结构的影响,值得在微穿孔板相关研究中继续深 Society of America, 2016, 139(1): 93–103.
入研究和应用。 [10] Temiz M, Tournadre J, Arteaga I, et al. A parametric
study of flexible micro-perforated panels with a patch-
impedance numerical model[J]. Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America, 2017, 141(5): 3797–3802.
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