Page 68 - 《应该声学》2022年第2期
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第 41 卷 第 2 期                                                                       Vol. 41, No. 2
             2022 年 3 月                          Journal of Applied Acoustics                    March, 2022

             ⋄ 研究报告 ⋄


                                        杜明龙      †  丛 辉 邓玉平 闫丽俊

                                            (青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司         青岛   266510)

                摘要:针对空调室外机背面位置处在压缩机 5280 r/min 转速下的出现两倍频 (176 Hz) 噪声峰值异常高的问
                元模型,施加两倍频转动力矩,应用模态线性叠加法计算整机的频率响应,经过模态测试确定在 176 Hz 附近整
                件中,进一步计算钣金框体 6 个部位对测点位置处的声学贡献量,最终确定背板、中隔板、前面板共振导致测
                点位置两倍频过高。基于形貌优化技术,重点优化背板的压型,将固有频率从 172 Hz 提高至 201.5 Hz,避免背
                板共振;同时前面板增加压型凸包,中隔板局部贴附阻尼,将整机 176 Hz 的两倍频峰值从 55.74 dB(A) 降低至
                45.11 dB(A),有效地提升了空调室外机的声品质。
                中图法分类号: TB532           文献标识码: A          文章编号: 1000-310X(2022)02-0236-07
                DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2022.02.008

                 Analysis and optimization of radiation noise from sheet metal structure of
                                            air conditioner outdoor unit

                                  DU Minglong CONG Hui DENG Yuping YAN Lijun

                             (Qingdao Hisense Hitachi Air-conditioning Systems Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266510, China)

                 Abstract: Aiming at the problem of abnormally twice fundamental frequency (176 Hz) noise peak at the
                 back of the AC outdoor unit when the compressor speed is of 5280 r/min, based on the working principle of
                 the dual-rotor compressor, calculate the twice fundamental frequency torque of the double-rotor compressor
                 in the suction and discharge process. Establish a finite element model of the outdoor unit, apply twice
                 fundamental frequency torque, calculate the frequency response of the unit using the modal superposition
                 method. Using the modal testing and analysis, it is preliminarily determined that there is resonance at
                 the metal structure near 176 Hz, resulting in an abnormally twice fundamental frequency at the measuring
                 position. Based on the indirect boundary element method, the frequency response calculation result of the
                 finite element model is imported into the acoustic simulation software, and the acoustic contribution of the 6
                 parts of the sheet metal frame to the measuring point is further calculated, and it is finally determined that
                 the resonance of the back plate, partition plate, and front panel causes excessively high frequency peak at the
                 measuring point. Based on the topography optimization technology, optimize the profile of the back plate to in-
                 crease the natural frequency from 172 Hz to 201.5 Hz, which in turn avoids resonance of back plate; at the same

             2021-03-14 收稿; 2021-06-21 定稿
             作者简介: 杜明龙 (1985– ), 男, 山东高密人, 硕士, 研究方向: 空调减振降噪技术。
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