Page 132 - 《应用声学》2022年第5期
P. 132
第 41 卷 第 5 期 Vol. 41, No. 5
2022 年 9 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics September, 2022
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
柯尔克孜族学生汉语单字调声学实验研究 ∗
李素秋 †
(中南民族大学文学与新闻传播学院 武汉 430074)
摘要:利用 Praat 语音分析软件,对柯尔克孜族学生汉语单字调进行了声学实验研究。实验选取 22 个汉语普
试员进行对比,32 位被试参与了此项研究。研究发现,柯尔克孜族学生将阴平、阳平读成了微降调,且两条声
调曲线非常接近,和普通话调型差别较大;上声调型正确,但调长较短、终点 T 值偏低;去声发音过于用力,起
中图法分类号: H5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2022)05-0808-07
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2022.05.016
Acoustic experimental research on Chinese monosyllabic tones
of Kirgiz students
LI Suqiu
(School of Literature, Journalism & Communication, South-Central Minzu University, Wuhan 430074, China)
Abstract: A phonetic experiment is conducted with the ‘Praat’ program to study Chinese monosyllabic tones
produced from Kirgiz students. The experiment utilized twenty two Chinese monosyllabic words read aloud by
Kirgiz students to test tone pattern, pitch length, pitch range at the specified sampling frequency and accuracy,
then compared them with Chinese proficiency speakers, thirty-two subjects were recruited for this study. In
the acoustic experiments of Chinese monosyllabic tones, Kirgiz students pronounce the first tone(Yin Ping)
and the second tone(Yang Ping) all in a slight falling tone and the two tone curves are very close, different
from Chinese tonal shape; the shape of the third tone(Shang Sheng) is correct but duration is shorter and the
final tone value is lower; the forth tone(Qu Sheng) is pronounced so strong that the starting point touches the
top, and it doesn’t sound natural. The tone range of the first tone(Yin Ping) is wider and the others are all
narrower. Based on the above data analysis, this article puts forward some corresponding advices as teaching
Keywords: Kirgiz; Chinese; Monosyllabic tones; Acoustic experiments
2021-07-15 收稿; 2021-11-29 定稿
国家社会科学基金项目 (19VJX084)
作者简介: 李素秋 (1973– ), 女, 四川资中人, 博士, 教授, 研究方向: 少数民族语言及对外汉语教学。
† 通信作者 E-mail: