Page 118 - 《应用声学》2023年第3期
P. 118
556 2023 年 5 月
表 1 散射相量数量为 100、δ 为 1.5 时,KS 检验和卡方检验在样本为 2500、卡方自由度为 47 时,
Table 1 When the number of scattering components is 100 and δ is 1.5, the KS test
and the chi-square test are accepted at different significance levels and the values of
the coefficient of determination when the sample is 2500 and the chi-square degree
of freedom is 47
区域 可决系数 检验 统计量 P 值 α = 0.01 α = 0.05 α = 0.1 α = 0.15 α = 0.2
KS 0.0105 0.9446 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I 0.98982
卡方 283837 0.9855 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
KS 0.0189 0.3308 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
II 0.98503
卡方 493404 0.3798 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
KS 0.0175 0.4251 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
III 0.98073
卡方 530914 0.2511 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
KS 0.0172 0.4471 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IV 0.98053
卡方 45.3516 0.5410 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
表 2 KS 检验和卡方检验在样本为 2500、卡方检验自由度为 47 时,不同显著性水平下对应
Table 2 Corresponding critical values of KS test and chi-square test at dif-
ferent significance levels when the sample is 2500 and the chi-square degree of
freedom is 47
检验 α = 0.01 α = 0.05 α = 0.1 α = 0.15 α = 0.2
KS 检验 0.0326 0.0272 0.0244 0.0228 0.0214
卡方检验 72443 64.001 59.774 57.028 54.906
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