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第 42 卷 第 6 期         刘登荣等: 核电堆内构件围板螺栓超声检测优化有限元仿真研究                                         1155

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                 Xu Junlong, Wang Tao, Ma Guanbing, et al. Design of in-  Wang Weiqiang, Ma Guanbing, Wang Bin, et al. Study
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                 316 steels irradiated in commercial pressurized water reac-  [9] 裴翠祥, 陈振茂. 电磁超声的数值模拟方法 [J]. 无损检测,
                 tors[J]. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2020, 536: 152182.  2008, 30(9): 603–607.
              [4] 张彩放. 压水堆核电厂堆内构件安装加工件控制 [J]. 中国核                  Pei Cuixiang, Chen Zhenmao. The numerical simulation
                 电, 2010, 3(4): 323–330.                           method for electromagnetic acoustic technique[J]. Nonde-
                 Zhang Caifang. Dimensional control and check of field  structive Testing, 2008, 30(9): 603–607.
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              [5] 徐超亮, 王荣山, 黄平, 等. 不锈钢中子辐照加速应力腐蚀开裂                 He Cunfu, Li Wei, Wu Bin. Numerical simulation of lon-
                 的带电粒子辐照模拟 [J]. 材料导报, 2012, 26(S2): 150–153.       gitudinal crack detection in pipes using ultrasonic guided
                 Xu Chaoliang, Wang Rongshan, Huang Ping, et al.   wave T(0,1) mode[J]. Journal of Beijing University of
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                 Material Reports, 2012, 26(S2): 150–153.          中的应用 [J]. 无损检测, 2008, 30(2): 118–121.
              [6] 李守彬, 孔晨光, 范岩成. 核电厂围板螺栓裂纹的失效分析与                   Zhang Yanxin, Niu Xiaoguang, Zhang Xiongya, et al. Ul-
                 超声检测 [J]. 无损检测, 2019, 41(1): 58–60.               trasonic testing for parts of power plant with slant lon-
                 Li Shoubin, Kong Chenguang, Fan Yancheng.  Failure  gitudinal wave[J]. Nondestructive Testing, 2008, 30(2):
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