Page 48 - 《应用声学》2020年第5期
P. 48
第 39 卷 第 5 期 Vol. 39, No. 5
2020 年 9 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics September, 2020
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
北极海域海洋环境噪声建模与特性分析 *
谭靖骞 1,2,3 曹 宇 1,2 黄海宁 1,2† 郭 慧 1,2,3
(1 中国科学院声学研究所 北京 100190)
(2 中国科学院先进水下信息技术重点实验室 北京 100190)
(3 中国科学院大学 北京 100049)
同脉冲噪声下高斯分布与 α 稳定分布的拟合效果,验证后者的鲁棒性。再从实测北极海域噪声中选取 3 种典
型环境噪声为样本,通过对其非高斯性判定及不同分布模型对比,验证 α 稳定分布在北极海域环境噪声统计
噪声具有明显脉冲成分和非高斯性,利用 α 稳定分布能更好地描述其统计特性;100 Hz 可作为冰下环境噪声
关键词:北极海域;环境噪声;统计特性;α 稳定分布;海冰密集度
中图法分类号: O427.5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2020)05-0690-08
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2020.05.006
Modeling and characterization of marine ambient noise in the Arctic
TAN Jingqian 1,2,3 CAO Yu 1,2 HUANG Haining 1,2 GUO Hui 1,2,3
(1 Institute of Acoustic, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
(2 Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
(3 University of Chinese Academic of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
Abstract: The particularity of the marine ambient noise in Arctic Ocean lies in the occasional sharp pulse
sound, in order to analyze its characteristics and rules, the fitting effect of Gaussian distribution and alpha-
stable distribution under different impulse noises is firstly analyzed by simulation modeling. Then three typical
types of noise are chosen as samples from the measured Arctic Ocean noises to verify the effectiveness of
alpha-stable distribution in modeling the statistical property of marine ambient noise in the Arctic through
non-Gaussian determination and comparison of different distribution models, while the effects of different depths
and frequency bands on model parameters are also studied. Finally, the under-ice noise causes are analyzed
through the statistical results of monthly parameters and ice concentration. Due to the limited number of
channels, the variation rules of all depths are not given. The results show that the under-ice ambient noise in
the Arctic is obviously non-Gaussian with impulse components, whose statistical properties can be described
by alpha-stable distribution. The frequency of dividing limit of interference source of under-ice ambient noise
is about 100 Hz. In freezing period, the ambient noise has an obvious non-gauss character, while in frozen
period it’s more Gaussian.
Keywords: The Arctic Ocean; Ambient noise; Statistical property; Alpha-stable distribution; Ice concentration
2019-12-19 收稿;2020-02-24 定稿
国防基础科研计划重大项目 (JCKY2016206A003)
作者简介: 谭靖骞 (1994– ), 男, 四川广安人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 水声信号处理。
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