Page 34 - 《应用声学》2022年第1期
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表 6 DWPE 与 SN-WPE 处理结果主观测听 [5] Rompaey R V, Moonen M. Distributed adaptive node-
实验偏好度对比 specific signal estimation in a wireless sensor network with
partial prior knowledge of the desired source steering vec-
Table 6 Comparison of preferences for the
tor[C]//2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference
subjective listening test between DWPE
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and SN-WPE results [6] Markovich-Golan S, Gannot S, Cohen I. Distributed mul-
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DWPE SN-WPE Equal connected wireless acoustic sensor networks[J]. IEEE
偏好度 89.06% 3.13% 7.81% Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Process-
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表 7 DWPE 与 Cen-WPE 处理结果主观测听 [7] Zhang J, Heusdens R, Hendriks R C. Rate-distributed
实验偏好度对比 spatial filtering based noise reduction in wireless acous-
tic sensor networks[J]. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Au-
Table 7 Comparison of preferences for the
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subjective listening test between DWPE
and Cen-WPE results [8] Li Z, Yiu K F C, Dai Y H, et al. Distributed LCMV beam-
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偏好度 12.50% 26.56% 60.94% [9] 丁建策, 厉剑, 郑成诗, 等. 基于稀疏表示和特征加权的离格
双耳声源定位 [J]. 应用声学, 2019, 38(6): 917–925.
4 结论 Ding Jiance, Li Jian, Zheng Chengshi, et al. Off-grid bin-
aural sound source localization using sparse representation
and feature weighting[J]. Journal of Applied Acoustics,
2019, 38(6): 917–925.
种实时分布式运算的自适应去混响 DWPE 算法。 [10] Naylor P, Gaubitch N. Speech dereverberation[M]. Lon-
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[11] 吴礼福, 陶明明, 郭业才. 频域合成房间频率响应的人工混响
方法 [J]. 应用声学, 2020, 39(2): 163–168.
的方式证明了 DWPE算法的收敛性,在第 3 节通过 Wu Lifu, Tao Mingming, Guo Yecai. Artificial rever-
仿真以及主客观实验,证明了DWPE算法在显著降 beration by synthesizing room frequency response in the
低计算和传输成本的同时,能够达到与集中式算法 frequency domain[J]. Journal of Applied Acoustics, 2020,
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相当的去混响性能。此外,收敛速度与噪声测试实 [12] Schwarz A, Reindl K, Kellermann W. A two-channel re-
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收敛速度和更高的稳定性。 aration and wiener filtering[C]//Acoustics, Speech and
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