Page 51 - 《应用声学》2022年第5期
P. 51
第 41 卷 第 5 期 Vol. 41, No. 5
2022 年 9 月 Journal of Applied Acoustics September, 2022
⋄ 研究报告 ⋄
数值及实验研究 ∗
韩 梦 尹嘉雯 黄军科 李 伟 魏 勤 †
(江苏科技大学理学院 镇江 212100)
得到的幅值和相位图能清晰显示裂纹的特征,测量到的裂纹长度误差达到 4.3%。用有限元模拟超声在板中裂
中图法分类号: TG115.28 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-310X(2022)05-0727-08
DOI: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2022.05.006
A comprehensive numerical and experimental study on detecting fatigue
microcrack in aluminum alloy plate by vibro-thermography
HAN Meng YIN Jiawen HUANG Junke LI Wei WEI Qin
(School of Science, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212100, China)
Abstract: Vibro-thermography (VT) is a new nondestructive testing technique with rapid development that
can be used to detect surface and sub-surface defects. Due to its selective heating characteristic to defects,
VT has been gaining more attention in non-destructive testing industry. In this paper, fatigue microcrack
was made in aluminum alloy plate and under ultrasonic excitation the heat generated by friction at the crack
surfaces. The surface temperature distribution was recorded by an infrared camera. The Fourier transform was
implemented to process thermographic sequence, and the characteristics of fatigue crack was clearly revealed
from the generated amplitude and phase images. The error of the crack length measured in phase image
is about 4.3%. The heat generation process at the crack was also simulated by finite element method, the
mechanism on heat generation was studied. The heat generation effect at the crack is directly affected by
ultrasonic excitation time, friction coefficient and opening width of crack. The highest temperature is usually
near the crack tip. Both the simulation and experimental results demonstrate VT can achieve rapid detection
of fatigue microcrack in plate, and provide effective and reliable detection results.
Keywords: Vibro-thermography; Microcrack; Heat generation mechanism; Temperature field
2021-07-21 收稿; 2021-10-11 定稿
国防基础科研计划项目 (JCKYS2020603C014), 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目 (KYCX21_3474)
作者简介: 韩梦 (1997– ), 女, 安徽阜阳人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 无损检测。
† 通信作者 E-mail: